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Pain Relief

  • Redfeather Wellness Roll-on

    Redfeather Wellness Roll-on

    With essential oils of Lavender, Rose and Peppermint, this menthol-based pain reliever provides a soothing experience of wellness every time it’s swiped across your forehead, temples, neck and scalp. Redfeather Wellness Roll-On contains...

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  • Redfeather Pain Spray

    Redfeather Pain Spray

    Customers across Canada describe Redfeather Pain Spray as a “miracle” relief from chronic and temporary pain. Containing 7% natural menthol, Redfeather Pain Spray is a fast-acting natural remedy. A few sprays will quickly relieve pain...

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  • Motion Medicine Motion Medicine

    Motion Medicine

    Revolutionary Topical Pain Remedy The revolutionary topical pain cream Motion Medicine relieves and prevents muscle and joint aches and pain due to inflammation and arthritis. Motion Medicine enhances circulation and exerts local...

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